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11.3 Algebra

Given one or more varsets, we now need to operate on them to produce combinations of variables. A typical scatterplot of a variable X against a variable Y, for example, is built from tuples $ (x_{i}, y_{i})$ that are elements in a set product. We use graphics algebra on values stored in varsets to make these tuples. There are three binary operators in this algebra: cross, nest, and blend.

Table 11.1: Cities and their Populations
Country City 1980 Population 2000 Population
Japan Tokyo $ 21{,}900{,}000$ $ 26{,}400{,}000$
India Mumbai $ 8{,}067{,}000$ $ 18{,}100{,}000$
USA New York $ 15{,}600{,}000$ $ 16{,}600{,}000$
Nigeria Lagos $ 4{,}385{,}000$ $ 13{,}400{,}000$
USA Los Angeles $ 9{,}523{,}000$ $ 13{,}100{,}000$
Japan Osaka $ 9{,}990{,}000$ $ 11{,}000{,}000$
Philippines Manila $ 5{,}955{,}000$ $ 10{,}900{,}000$
France Paris $ 8{,}938{,}000$ $ 9{,}624{,}000$
Russia Moscow $ 8{,}136{,}000$ $ 9{,}321{,}000$
UK London $ 7{,}741{,}000$ $ 7{,}640{,}000$
Peru Lima $ 4{,}401{,}000$ $ 7{,}443{,}000$
USA Chicago $ 6{,}780{,}000$ $ 6{,}951{,}000$
Iraq Bagdad $ 3{,}354{,}000$ $ 4{,}797{,}000$
Canada Toronto $ 3{,}008{,}000$ $ 4{,}651{,}000$
Spain Madrid $ 4{,}296{,}000$ $ 4{,}072{,}000$
Germany Berlin $ 3{,}247{,}000$ $ 3{,}324{,}000$
Australia Melbourne $ 2{,}765{,}000$ $ 3{,}187{,}000$
USA Melbourne $ 46{,}536$ $ 71{,}382$
USA Moscow $ 16{,}513$ $ 21{,}291$
USA Berlin $ 13{,}084$ $ 10{,}331$
USA Paris $ 9885$ $ 9077$
USA London $ 4002$ $ 5692$
USA Toronto $ 6934$ $ 5676$
USA Manila $ 2553$ $ 3055$
USA Lima $ 2025$ $ 2459$
USA Madrid $ 2281$ $ 2264$
USA Bagdad $ 2331$ $ 1578$

11.3.1 Operators

We will define these operators in set notation and illustrate them by using a table of real data. Table 11.1 shows 1980 and 2000 populations for selected world cities. During various periods in US history, it was fashionable to name towns and cities after their European and Asian counterparts. Sometimes this naming was driven by immigration, particularly in the colonial era (New Amsterdam, New York, New London). At other times, exotic names reflected a fascination with foreign travel and culture, particularly in the Midwest (Paris, Madrid). Using a dataset containing namesakes will help reveal some of the subtleties of graphics algebra.

We begin by assuming there are four varsets derived from this table: country, city, pop1980, and pop2000 (we use lower case for varsets when they are denoted by names instead of single letters). Each varset has one column. The varsets resulting from algebraic operations will have one or more columns.

There is one set of objects for all four varsets: $ 27$ cities. This may or may not be a subset of the domain for the four associated variables. If we wish to generalize analyses of this varset to other cities, then the set of possible objects in these varsets might be a subdomain of the set of all cities existing in 1980 and 2000. We might even consider this set of objects to be a subset of all possible cities in all of recorded history. While these issues might seem more the province of sampling and generalizability theory, they affect the design of a graphics system. Databases, for example, include facilities for semantic integrity constraints that ensure domain integrity in data tables. Data-based graphics systems share similar requirements.

There are sets of values for these varsets. The country varset has country names in the set of values comprising its domain. The definition of the domain of the varset depends on how we wish to use it. For example, we might include spellings of city names in languages other than English. We might also include country names not contained in this particular varset. Such definitions would affect whether we could add new cities to a database containing these data. For pop1980 and pop2000, we would probably make the domain be the set of positive integers. Cross ($ \ast $)

Cross joins the left argument with the right to produce a set of tuples stored in the multiple columns of the new varset:

$\displaystyle \notag
 {\includegraphics[clip]{text/2-11/k1.eps}} %\hack{\displaybreak}

The resulting set of tuples is a subset of the product of the domains of the two varsets. The domain of a varset produced by a cross is the product of the separate domains.

One may think of a cross as a horizontal concatenation of the table representation of two varsets, assuming the rows of each varset are equivalent and in the same order. The following example shows a crossing of two varsets using set notation with simple integer keys for the objects:

$\displaystyle \notag
 \mathrm{A}$ $\displaystyle = \left[ \{red, blue\}, \{ \langle \cdot
 \rangle, \langle \cdot,...
...rightarrow \langle 1, 4 \rangle, blue\rightarrow
 \langle 2, 3 \rangle\}\right]$    
$\displaystyle \mathrm{B}$ $\displaystyle =[[{-10}, 10], \{\langle \cdot
 \rangle, \langle \cdot, \cdot \ra...
...\rangle, 5\rightarrow \langle 2, 3 \rangle,
 10\rightarrow \langle 4 \rangle\}]$    
$\displaystyle \mathrm{A}\ast\mathrm{B}$ $\displaystyle = [\{red,
 blue\}\times[{-10}, 10], \{\langle \cdot \rangle, \langle
 \cdot, \cdot \rangle, \ldots \}\,,$    
  $\displaystyle \hphantom{\quad\,} \{(red, {-10})\rightarrow \langle 1 \rangle,
... 5)\rightarrow \langle 2, 3 \rangle, (red,
 10)\rightarrow \langle 4 \rangle\}]$    

If we plotted $ {\text{A}}\ast{\text{B}}$ in two dimensions with a point graph, we would see n points between $ -10$ and $ 10$ stacked vertically above one or both of the two color names.

Figure 11.2 shows a graphic based on the algebraic expression city $ \ast $ pop2000. We choose the convention of representing the first variable in an expression on the horizontal axis and the second on the vertical. We also restrict the domain of pop2000 to be $ [0,\,32{,}000{,}000]$.

Figure 11.2: city $ \ast $ pop2000

Although most of the US namesake cities have smaller populations, it is not easy to discern them in the graphic. We can separate the US from the other cities by using a variable called group that we derive from the country names. Such a new variable is created easily in a database or statistical transformation language with an expression like

  $\displaystyle {\tt if (country == \lq\lq {USA}'') group = \lq\lq {USA}'';}$    
  $\displaystyle {\tt else group = {\lq\lq {World}''}}\,;$    

Figure 11.3 shows a graphic based on the three-dimensional algebraic expression city $ \ast $ pop2000 $ \ast $ group. This expression produces a varset with three columns. The first column is assigned to the horizontal axis, the second to the vertical, and the third to the horizontal axis again, which has the effect of splitting the frame into two frames. This general pattern of alternating horizontal and vertical roles for the columns of a varset provides a simple layout scheme for complex algebraic expressions. We may think of this as a generalization of the Trellis layout scheme ([5]). We could, of course, represent this same varset in a 3D plot projected into 2D, but the default system behavior is to prefer 2D with recursive partitioning. We will describe this in more detail in Sect 11.9.

Chicago stands out as an anomaly in Fig. 11.3 because of its relatively large population. We might want to sort the cities in a different order for the left panel or eliminate cities not found in the US, but the algebraic expression won't let us do that. Because group is crossed with the other variables, there is only one domain of cities shared by both country groups. If we want to have different domains for the two panels, we need our next operator, nest.

Figure 11.3: city $ \ast $ pop2000 $ \ast $ group
\includegraphics{text/2-11/figure2.eps} Nest (/)

Nest partitions the left argument using the values in the right:

$\displaystyle \notag

Although it is not required in the definition, we assume the nesting varset on the right is categorical. If it were continuous (having interval domain) there would be an infinite number of partitions. We do require predefined nested domains. To construct a nested domain, three options are possible:
  1. Data values - identify the minimal domain containing the data by enumerating unique data tuples.
  2. Metadata - define the domain using external rules contained in a metadata resource or from known principles.
  3. Data organization - identify nested domains using the predefined structure of a hierarchical database or OLAP cube.

The following example shows a nesting of two categorical variables:

$\displaystyle \mathrm{A}$ $\displaystyle = [\{ant, fly, bee\}, \{\langle
 \cdot \rangle, \langle \cdot, \c...
...ngle, fly\rightarrow \langle 2, 3 \rangle,
 bee\rightarrow \langle 4 \rangle\}]$    
$\displaystyle \mathrm{B}$ $\displaystyle = [\{noun, verb\}, \{\langle \cdot
 \rangle, \langle \cdot, \cdot...
...{noun\rightarrow \langle 1, 2, 4 \rangle,
 verb\rightarrow \langle 3 \rangle\}]$    
$\displaystyle \mathrm{A}/\mathrm{B}$ $\displaystyle = [\{(ant, noun), (fly,
 noun), (fly, verb), (bee, noun)\}, \{\langle \cdot \rangle,
 \langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle, \ldots
  $\displaystyle \quad\, \{(ant, noun)\rightarrow \langle 1 \rangle,
 (fly, noun)\...
...verb)\rightarrow \langle 3 \rangle (bee, noun)\rightarrow
 \langle 4 \rangle\}]$    

Nesting defines meaning conditionally. In this example, the meaning of fly is ambiguous unless we know whether it is a noun or a verb. Furthermore, there is no verb for ant or bee in the English language, so the domain of $ {\mathrm{A}}/{\mathrm{B}}$ does not include this combination.

If A is a continuous variable, then we have something like the following:

$\displaystyle \mathrm{A}$ $\displaystyle = [[0, 10], \{\langle \cdot \rangle,
 \langle \cdot, \cdot \rangl...
 3\rightarrow \langle 4 \rangle, 10\rightarrow \langle 5, 6 \rangle\}]$    
$\displaystyle \mathrm{B}$ $\displaystyle = [\{1, 2\}, \{\langle \cdot
 \rangle, \langle \cdot, \cdot \rang...
...\{1\rightarrow \langle 1, 2, 3 \rangle, 2\rightarrow \langle 4, 5, 6 \rangle\}]$    
$\displaystyle \mathrm{A}/\mathrm{B}$ $\displaystyle = [\{[0, 8]\times \{1\},
 [3, 10]\times \{2\}\}, \{\langle \cdot \rangle, \langle
 \cdot, \cdot \rangle, \ldots \}\,,$    
  $\displaystyle \quad\,\{(0, 1)\rightarrow \langle 1 \rangle, (8,
 1)\rightarrow ...
...3, 2)\rightarrow \langle 4 \rangle,
 (10, 2)\rightarrow \langle 5, 6 \rangle\}]$    

In this example, the elements of the nesting $ {\mathrm{A/B}}$ result in intervals conditioned on the values of $ \mathrm{B}$. $ \mathrm{A}$ represents $ 6$ ratings (ranging from 0 to $ 10$) of the behavior of patients by two psychiatrists. $ \mathrm{B}$ represents the identity of the psychiatrist making each rating. The intervals $ [0, 8]$ and $ [3, 10]$ imply that psychiatrist 1 will not use a rating greater than $ 8$ and psychiatrist 2 will not use a rating less than $ 3$. Nesting in this case is based on the (realistic) assumption that the two psychiatrists assign numbers to their perceptions in a different manner. A rating of $ 2$ by one psychiatrist cannot be compared to the same rating by the other, because of possible differences in location, scale, and even local nonlinearities. Much of psychometrics is concerned with the problem of equating ratings in this type of example so that nesting would not be needed, although it is not always possible to do so plausibly.

The name nest comes from design-of-experiments terminology. We often use the word within to describe its effect. For example, if we assess schools and teachers in a district, then teachers within schools specifies that teachers are nested within schools. Assuming each teacher in the district teaches at only one school, we would conclude that if our data contain two teachers with the same name at different schools, they are different people. Those familiar with experimental design may recognize that the expression $ {\mathrm{A}}/{\mathrm{B}}$ is equivalent to the notation $ {\mathrm{A}}({\mathrm{B}})$ in a design specification. Both expressions mean A is nested within B. Statisticians' customary use of parentheses to denote nesting conceals the fact that nesting involves an operator, however. Because nesting is distributive over blending, we have made this operator explicit and retained the conventional mathematical use of parentheses in an algebra.

Figure 11.4 shows a graphic based on the algebraic expression city/group $ \ast $ pop2000. The horizontal axis in each panel now shows a different set of cities: one for the USA and one for the rest of the world. This graphic differs from the one in Fig. 11.3 not only because the axes look different, but also because the meanings of the cities in each panels are different. For example, the city named Paris appears twice in both figures. In Fig. 11.3, on the one hand, we assume the name Paris in the left panel is comparable to the name Paris in the right. That is, it refers to a common name (Paris) occurring in two different contexts. In Fig. 11.4, on the other hand, we assume the name Paris references two different cities. They happen to have the same name, but are not equivalent. Such distinctions are critical, but often subtle.

Figure 11.4: city/group $ \ast $ pop2000
\includegraphics{text/2-11/figure3.eps} Blend ($ +$)

Blend produces a union of varsets:

$\displaystyle \notag

Blend is defined only if the order of the tuples (number of columns) in the left and right varsets is the same. Furthermore, we should restrict blend to varsets with composable domains, even though we do not need this restriction for the operation to be defined. It would make little sense to blend Age and Weight, much less Name and Height.

In vernacular, we often use the conjunction and to signify that two sets are blended into one (although the word or would be more appropriate technically). For example, if we measure diastolic and systolic blood pressure among patients in various treatment conditions and we want to see blood pressure plotted on a common axis, we can plot diastolic and systolic against treatment. The following example shows a blending of two varsets, using integers for keys:

$\displaystyle \mathrm{A}$ $\displaystyle = [[0, 120], \{\langle \cdot
 \rangle, \langle \cdot, \cdot \rang...
...rangle, 120\rightarrow \langle 2 \rangle, 90\rightarrow \langle 3, 4 \rangle\}]$    
$\displaystyle \mathrm{B}$ $\displaystyle = [[10, 200], \{\langle \cdot
 \rangle, \langle \cdot, \cdot \ran...
...rangle, 200\rightarrow \langle 2, 3 \rangle, 90\rightarrow \langle 4 \rangle\}]$    
$\displaystyle \mathrm{A}+\mathrm{B}$ $\displaystyle = [[0, 200], \{\langle
 \cdot \rangle, \langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle, \ldots \},$    
  $\displaystyle \quad\, \{0\rightarrow \langle 1 \rangle,
 10\rightarrow \langle ...
..., 90\rightarrow \langle 3, 4, 4 \rangle,
 200\rightarrow \langle 2,3 \rangle\}]$    

Figure 11.5: city $ \ast $ (pop1980 + pop2000)
Figure 11.6: (city/group) $ \ast $ (pop1980 + pop2000)
\includegraphics[width=100mm]{text/2-11/figure4.eps} \includegraphics{text/2-11/figure5.eps}

Figure 11.5 shows an example of a blend using our cities data. The graphic is based on the algebraic expression city $ \ast $ (pop1980+pop2000). The horizontal axis represents the cities and the vertical axis represents the two repeated population measures. We have included different symbol types and a legend to distinguish the measures. We will see later how shape aesthetics are used to create this distinction.

As with the earlier graphics, we see that it is difficult to distinguish US and world cities. Figure 11.6 makes the distinction clear by splitting the horizontal axis into two nested subgroups. The graphic is based on the algebraic expression (city/group) $ \ast $ (pop1980+pop2000). Once again, the vertical axis represents the two repeated population measures blended on a single dimension. We see most of the cities gaining population between 1980 and 2000.

11.3.2 Rules

The following rules are derivable from the definitions of the graphics operators: Associativity

$\displaystyle ({\mathrm{X}}\ast\mathrm{Y})\ast\mathrm{Z}$ $\displaystyle =
$\displaystyle ({\mathrm{X}}/{\mathrm{Y}}) /\mathrm{Z}$ $\displaystyle =
$\displaystyle ({\mathrm{X}}+\mathrm{Y}) +\mathrm{Z}$ $\displaystyle =
 \mathrm{X}+(\mathrm{Y}+\mathrm{Z})$ Distributivity

$\displaystyle {\mathrm{X}}\ast(\mathrm{Y}+\mathrm{Z})$ $\displaystyle =
 {\mathrm{X}}\ast\mathrm{Y} + \mathrm{X}\ast\mathrm{Z}$    
$\displaystyle {\mathrm{X}}/(\mathrm{Y}+\mathrm{Z})$ $\displaystyle =
 {\mathrm{X}}/\mathrm{Y} + \mathrm{X}/\mathrm{Z}$    
$\displaystyle ({\mathrm{X}}+\mathrm{Y})\ast\mathrm{Z}$ $\displaystyle =
 {\mathrm{X}}\ast\mathrm{Z} + \mathrm{Y}\ast\mathrm{Z}$    
$\displaystyle ({\mathrm{X}}+\mathrm{Y})/\mathrm{Z}$ $\displaystyle =
 {\mathrm{X}}/\mathrm{Z} + \mathrm{Y}/\mathrm{Z}$ Commutativity

$\displaystyle \notag
 \mathrm{X}+\mathrm{Y} = \mathrm{Y}+\mathrm{X}$ Identity

The identity element for blend is an empty list. Cross and nest have no identity. Precedence

Nest takes precedence over cross and blend. Cross takes precedence over blend. This hierarchical order may be altered through the use of parentheses.

11.3.3 SQL Equivalences

Given a table $ \mathrm{X}$ and a table $ \mathrm{Y}$ in a database, we can use SQL to perform the operations in chart algebra. This section outlines how to do this. Cross

Cross can be accomplished by a cross join:

$ {\tt SELECT}\; {\tt a}.\ast, {\tt b}.\ast$
$ {\tt FROM}\; {\tt X}\; {\tt a}, {\tt Y}\; {\tt b}\,;$

Of course, this operation is inefficient and requires optimization. Alternatively, one can do a simple join and generate the missing tuples with an iterator when needed. Nest

Nest can be accomplished through a nest operation. The nest operator requires that the database allow tables as primitives, either as relation-valued attributes ([8]) or as nested tables ([24]), ([1]).

Alternatively, we can accumulate the subset of tuples in a nest operation with a simple join:

$ {\tt SELECT}\; {\tt a}.\ast, {\tt b}.\ast$
$ {\tt FROM}\; {\tt X}\; {\tt a}, {\tt Y}\; {\tt b}$
$ {\tt WHERE}\; {\tt a.rowid} = {\tt b.rowid}\,;$

If we use this latter method, we must distinguish the entries used for tags and those used for values. Blend

Blend is performed through UNION. If UNION all is not available, we can concatenate key columns to be sure that all rows appear in the result set.

$ {\tt SELECT} \ast {\tt from}\; {\tt X}$
$ {\tt UNION}\;{\tt all}$
$ {\tt SELECT} \ast {\tt from}\; {\tt Y};$ Composition and Optimization

SQL statements can be composed by using the grammar for chart algebra. Compound statements can then be submitted for optimization and execution by a database compiler. Alternatively, pre-optimization can be performed on the chart algebra parse tree object and the optimized parse tree used to generate SQL. Secondary optimization can then be performed by the database compiler.

11.3.4 Related Algebras

Research on algebras that could be used for displaying data has occurred in many fields. We will summarize these approaches in separate sections. Table Algebras

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics pioneered a language for laying out tables ([25]). While not a formal algebra, this Table Production Language (TPL) contained many of the elements needed to assemble complex tables. [14] outlined an algebra for displaying relational data; this algebra closely followed TPL, although the latter is not referenced. [42] presented an algebra for structuring tables and graphics. Design Algebras

[28] and [41] developed a language for implementing factorial and nested experimental designs, following [11]. The operators in this language are similar to the cross and nest operators in the present paper. The algebraic design language was implemented in the GENSTAT statistical computer program for generating and analyzing general linear statistical models. Query Algebras

[30] described an algebra for querying OLAP cubes. The result sets from their algebraic expressions could be used for graphic displays. [2] used a similar algebra for statistical modeling of data contained in a cube. Display Algebras

[23] developed an algebra for querying relational databases and generating charts. His general goal was to develop an intelligent system that could offer graphical responses to verbal or structural queries. [32] followed a similar strategy in developing graphical representations of relational data. They extended Mackinlay's and others' ideas by using concepts from computational geometry.

11.3.5 Algebra XML

A parse tree for a given algebraic expression maps nicely to XML in a manner similar to the way MathML ( is defined. We have developed an implementation, called VizML (, that includes not only the algebraic components of the specification, but also the aesthetic and geometric aspects. Ultimately, VizML makes it possible to embed chart algebraic operations in a database.

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