Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: insurance
See also: INSpremgam INSpremwei INSprempareto INSpremlogn INSpremburr

Quantlet: INSpremnorm
Description: returns the values of premium in the case of normal distribution of losses. The premium is as an approximation for some cummulated claim.


Usage: y = INSpremnorm (mu, sigma, param, ind)
mu scalar, mean of the normal distribution
lambda scalar, standard deviation of the normal distribution
param array, if pure risk premium with security loading: relative security loading, if premium with variance or standard deviation: the coefficient, if quantile premium: quantile parameter, if exponential utility function: risk aversion parameter
ind scalar, if ind=1, pure risk premium if ind=2, safety loaded premium if ind=3, variance loaded premium if ind=4, standard deviation loaded premium if ind=5, quantile premium if ind=6, exponential premium
y array, value of the premium for normal distribution of loss

x =(0:10)
INSpremnorm(3, 1, x, 4)

Contents of y
[ 1,]        3
[ 2,]        4
[ 3,]        5
[ 4,]        6
[ 5,]        7
[ 6,]        8
[ 7,]        9
[ 8,]       10
[ 9,]       11
[10,]       12
[11,]       13
numberOfPolices = 500
probOfClaim     = 0.05
gammaAlpha    = 0.9185
gammaBeta     = 5.6870e-09
gammaExp      = gammaAlpha / gammaBeta
gammaVar      = gammaAlpha / gammaBeta^2
aggregatedExpected = gammaAlpha/gammaBeta * numberOfPolices*probOfClaim
aggregetedVariance = numberOfPolices*(gammaExp^2*probOfClaim*(1-probOfClaim) + probOfClaim*gammaVar)
;Quantile premium for simulated data and the normal approximation
xaxis =(1:80)*1e-11
;Exponential premium for the approximation
p = INSpremnorm(aggregatedExpected, sqrt(aggregetedVariance), xaxis, 6) /1e9
; Exponential premium for the sum of gammas
r = numberOfPolices*log(1-probOfClaim + probOfClaim*(1-1/gammaBeta.*xaxis)^-gammaAlpha)./xaxis /1e9
s1 = setmask(xaxis~r,"line",  "blue")
s2 = setmask(xaxis~p,"line", "red", "dashed")
plotdisplay = createdisplay(1,1)
setgopt(plotdisplay,1,1,"xlabel","Risk aversion parameter","ylabel","Exponential utility premuim(USD billion)")
setgopt(plotdisplay,1,1, "border", 0)

Plot of exponential premium in a cummulative risk model
(exact and through normal approximation) for the whole portfolio.

Author: J. Iwanik 20041215 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006