Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: spatial
See also: SPKRsurfls SPKRsurfgls SPKRexpcov SPKRgaucov SPKRsphercov SPKRtrmat SPKRprmat SPKRcorrelogram SPKRvariogram SPKRmultcontours

Quantlet: SPKRsemat
Description: evaluates a Kriging standard error of prediction surface over a grid


Usage: res = SPKRsemat (obj, xl, xu, yl, yu, n {, se})
obj list, (of type "trgls") calculated by SPKRsurfgls
xl scalar, lower limit in x-direction of the rectangle for grid
xu scalar, upper limit in x-direction of the rectangle for grid
yl scalar, lower limit in y-direction of the rectangle for grid
yu scalar, upper limit in y-direction of the rectangle for grid
n scalar, used to create a n x n grid within the rectangle
se optional scalar, standard error at distance zero as a multiple of the supplied covariance; if omitted, estimated under the assumption that a correlation function has been applied before
res list, consisting of components z, xl, xu, yl, yu, n and type for further usage with SPKRmultcontours:
res.z (n+1)^2 x 3 matrix, grid
xl scalar, same as input value xl
xu scalar, same as input value xu
yl scalar, same as input value yl
yu scalar, same as input value yu
n scalar, same as input value n
type string, "semat"


; loads the spatial statistics library
; reads a spatial data set
topo = read("topo.dat")
; calculates a trend surface of order 2, using expcov as
; spatial covariance function with dval = 0.7, alph = 0,
; and se = 1
myres = SPKRsurfgls(2, 0, topo, 1000, 0.7, 0, 1)
; calculates a 30 x 30 grid within [0, 6.5] x [0, 6.5]
; using trend surface myres
mygrid = SPKRsemat(myres, 0, 6.5, 0, 6.5, 30)

A grid suitable for display through SPKRmultcontours:

Contents of mygrid.z
[  1,]        0        0   31.116
[  2,]  0.21667        0   28.404
[  3,]  0.43333        0   26.577
[  4,]     0.65        0   25.693
[  5,]  0.86667        0   24.611

Contents of mygrid.xl
[1,]        0

Contents of mygrid.xu
[1,]      6.5

Contents of mygrid.yl
[1,]        0

Contents of mygrid.yu
[1,]      6.5

Contents of mygrid.n
[1,]       30

Contents of mygrid.type
[1,] "semat"

Author: J. Symanzik, 20000725 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006