Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: spatial
See also: SPKRsurfls SPKRsurfgls SPKRexpcov SPKRgaucov SPKRsphercov SPKRtrmat SPKRprmat SPKRsemat SPKRcorrelogram SPKRmultcontours

Quantlet: SPKRvariogram
Description: computes spatial (semi-)variograms of spatial data or residuals. Initially, it divides the range of the data into nint bins, and computes the average squared difference for pairs with separation in each bin. It returns results only for bins with 6 or more pairs.


Usage: res = SPKRvariogram (krig, nint)
krig list, (of type "trls" or "trgls") calculated by SPKRsurfls or SPKRsurfgls
nint scalar, number of bins to be used
res list, consisting of components xpres, ypres and cntres:
res.xpres n x 1 vector, x coordinates of the variogram
res.ypres n x 1 vector, y coordinates of the variogram
res.cntres n x 1 vector, number of pairs averaged per bin


; loads the spatial statistics library
; reads a spatial data set
topo = read("topo.dat")
; calculates a polynomial regression surface of order 2
myres = SPKRsurfls(2, topo)
; calculates the correlogram, using 25 bins
varres = SPKRvariogram(myres, 25)

A list consisting of x and y coordinates of the variogram
and the number of pairs averaged per bin:

Contents of varres.xpres
[ 1,]        0
[ 2,]  0.34483
[ 3,]  0.68966
[20,]   6.5517
[21,]   6.8966

Contents of varres.ypres
[ 1,]        0
[ 2,]   197.78
[ 3,]   270.09
[20,]   1127.3
[21,]   1135.2

Contents of varres.cntres
[ 1,]        0
[ 2,]       18
[ 3,]       56
[20,]       17
[21,]        8

Author: J. Symanzik, 20000725 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006