Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: times
See also: archtest

Quantlet: annarchtest
Description: This quantlet calculates either the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) form or the T-Rsquare (TR2) form of a test for conditional heteroskedasticity based on Artificial Neural Networks. The first argument of the function is the vector of residuals, the second optional argument is the order of the test, the third optional argument is the number of hidden units of the Neural Network. The second optional argument is either a vector or a scalar. If no second argument is provided, the default orders are 2, 3, 4, and 5. The third argument may be either a vector, or a scalar. If both second and third arguments are vectors, the test will be calculated for all combinations of orders and hidden units. If no third argument is provided, the number of hidden units by default is set to 3. The fourth argument is the form of the test. This argument is a string of characters, which can be either "LM" or "TR2". The default fourth argument is "LM", i.e., the Lagrange Multiplier form. The quantlet returns in the first column the order of the test, in the second column the number of hidden units, in the third column the value of the test, in the fourth column the 95% critical value of the null hypothesis for that order, and in the fifth column the P-value of the test.


Usage: h = annarchtest(y {,nlags{,nodes{,testform}}})
y vector
lags vector
nodes vector
testform string
h vector of strings

;Calculation of the ANN test for ARCH effects. As no optional
;argument is provided, the test is evaluated for the default
;lag orders 2,3,4, and 5, for an Artificial Neural Network with
;3 hidden units. The Lagrange Multiplier form is evaluated.
y = genarch(0.2|0.1,0.5,400)
h = annarchtest(y)
;h = annarchtest(y,"LM"); equivalent instruction as "LM" is the default argument

Contents of h

[1,] Lag order  Nb of hidden Statistic  95% Critical Value  P-Value
[2,]             units
[3,] _______________________________________________________________
[5,]      2         3         14.38089       5.97378        0.00075
[6,]      3         3          8.61509       7.80251        0.03487
[7,]      4         3         13.96671       9.47844        0.00740
[8,]      5         3         18.23967      11.06309        0.00266
;In this example, we calculate the TR2 form of the test for ARCH
;effects. As no other optional argument is provided, the test is
;computed for the four lag orders 2,3,4, and 5, with 3 hidden
y = genarch(0.2|0.1,0.5,400)
h = annarchtest(y,"TR2")

Contents of h

[1,] Lag order  Nb of hidden Statistic  95% Critical Value  P-Value
[2,]             units
[3,] ______________________________________________________________
[5,]      2         3         10.94810       5.97378        0.00419
[6,]      3         3          6.50613       7.80251        0.08942
[7,]      4         3         10.54149       9.47844        0.03223
[8,]      5         3         13.79811      11.06309        0.01694
;Calculation of the TR2 form of the ANN test for ARCH effects.
;As the first numerical optional argument is equal to 3, the
;lag order is equal to three. The number of hidden units is the
;default one, i.e, 3 units.
y = genarch(0.2|0.1,0.5,400)
h = annarchtest(y,3,"TR2")

Contents of h

[1,] Lag order  Nb of hidden Statistic  95% Critical Value  P-Value
[2,]             units
[3,] ______________________________________________________________
[5,]      3         3         15.71618       7.80251        0.00130
; We calculate here the default LM form of the test for ARCH
;effects. The lag orders are given by the vector k, i.e.,
;2,3, and 4, the number of hidden units is given by the second
;optional argument, i.e., the scalar 4.
y = genarch(0.2|0.1,0.5,400)
k = #(2,3,4)
h = annarchtest(y,k,4)

Contents of h

[1,] Lag order  Nb of hidden Statistic  95% Critical Value  P-Value
[2,]             units
[3,] ______________________________________________________________
[5,]      2         4         21.86099       5.97378        0.00002
[6,]      3         4         19.27466       7.80251        0.00024
[7,]      4         4         22.65275       9.47844        0.00015
;Calculation of the LM form of the test for ARCH effects.
;We investigate here all the configurations with the number of
;lags being equal to 2, 3, and 4, and the number of hidden units
; being equal to 2,3 and 4 as well.
y = genarch(0.2|0.1,0.5,400)
k = #(2,3,4)
h = annarchtest(y,k,k)

Contents of h

[ 1,] Lag order  Nb of hidden Statistic  95% Critical Value  P-Value
[ 2,]             units
[ 3,] ______________________________________________________________
[ 4,]
[ 5,]      2         2         14.35325       5.97378        0.00076
[ 6,]      3         2         14.01169       7.80251        0.00289
[ 7,]      4         2          2.78118       9.47844        0.59507
[ 8,]      2         3         23.17970       5.97378        0.00001
[ 9,]      3         3         18.55083       7.80251        0.00034
[10,]      4         3         28.83286       9.47844        0.00001
[11,]      2         4         20.51651       5.97378        0.00004
[12,]      3         4         16.01652       7.80251        0.00113
[13,]      4         4         18.16912       9.47844        0.00114
; Calculation of the TR2 form of the ANN test for ARCH effects.
; The lag order is given by the first argument, i.e., 3, the
;number of units are the components of the second argument k,
; i.e., 2,3 and 4.
y = genarch(0.2|0.1,0.5,400)
k = #(2,3,4)
h = annarchtest(y,3,k,"TR2")

Contents of h

[1,] Lag order  Nb of hidden Statistic  95% Critical Value  P-Value
[2,]             units
[3,] ______________________________________________________________
[5,]      3         2         15.11203       7.80251        0.00172
[6,]      3         3         12.17561       7.80251        0.00681
[7,]      3         4         16.90235       7.80251        0.00074

Author: G. Teyssiere, 19980602 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006