Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: times
See also: gentar genbil genarma genarch

Quantlet: genexpar
Description: generates the amplitude-dependent exponential AR (EXPAR) process x that has the following form x_t = a(B)x_t + exp{-delta x^2_(t-thrlag)}b(B)x_t + e_t B is the backshift (or lag) operator. The coefficient delta must be positive. The lag polynoms a(B) and b(B) must have the same order. e_t is a sequence of independently distributed white noise with T>99 observations.


Usage: x = genexpar(thrlag,delta,a,b,e)
thrlag integer; threshold lag that specifies the x values in the exponential function
delta positive coefficient in the exponential function
a p x 1 vector with the coefficients of the lag polynom a(B)
b p x 1 vector with the coefficients of the lag polynom b(B)
e T x 1 vector with realizations of an independently distributed white noise process.
x T x 1 vector with the realizations of the generated EXPAR process


library("times")        ; loads the quantlets from times library
randomize(10)           ; sets a seed
e = normal(500)         ; generates the white noise realizations
x = genexpar(1,5,0.3|0.6,0.2|-0.8,e)
timeplot(x[200:500])    ; plots the generated series

The example is a second-order EXPAR model where -5x_(t-1)
is the argument in the exponential function. The display
shows 300 realizations of the generated series x.

Author: R. Chen, C. Hafner, W. Haerdle, R. Schulz, 20010508 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006