Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: times
See also: fracbrown lo kpss

Quantlet: hurst
Description: estimates the Hurst coefficient of a stochastic process using the R/S statistic.


Usage: {ra,b,q}=hurst(x,k)
x n x 1 vector, observations of the process
k scalar, maximal number of intervals for the R/S statistic
ra (k-2) x 3 matrix, ra[,1] = (1, ... ,1)', ra[,2] = log(n/3, n/4, ... ,n/k)', ra[,3] = log(RS)
b 2 x 1 vector, b[1] = intercept of the R/S-line, b[2] = slope of R/S line, b solves the regression problem ra[,3] = b[1] + b[2]*ra[,2]. The estimator for the Hurst coefficient is b[2].
q scalar, variance of the residuals of the regression problem


library("times")	// load library times
x=cumsum(normal(500)) 	// simulate a Brownian motion(H = 0.5)
h.b[2]			// estimate H

Contents of _tmp
[1,]  0.54921

Author: W. Härdle, T. Kleinow, 20010503 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006