Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: robtech
See also: lts

Quantlet: lms
Description: Computes the least median of squares estimate for the coefficients of a linear model.

Usage: b = lms(x, y{, nrep})
x n x p design matrix of explanatory variables.
y n x 1 vector, dependent variable.
nrep an optional scalar, identifying how many random subsamples will be analyzed for the LMS estimate; the higher, the more precise estimate is. By default, it is equal to 1000 times the number of explanatory variables.
b p x 1 vector of estimated coefficients.

; simulate data
n = 100
x = matrix(n)~uniform(n,2)
y = 3 - 2*x[,2] + x[,3] + normal(n)
; fit the data...
b = lms(x,y)

Contents of coefs - estimates of b = (3,-2,1)' coefficient vector
[1,]  2.9133
[2,]  -2.411
[3,] 0.79301
; procedure for graphical representation of the results estimated by lms quantlet
; parameter obs1 is an outlier added to randomly generated data points
proc() = myquant(obs1)
  ; initialization
  n = 10                   ; number of observations
  randomize(17654321)      ; sets random seed
  beta = #(1, 2)           ; defines intercept and slope
  x = matrix(n)~sort(uniform(n))
  ;                        ; creates design matrix
  ; new x-observation is added
  x = x|(1~obs1[1])
  m = x*beta               ; defines regression line
  eps = 0.05*normal(n)     ; creates obs error
  ; new y-observation is added
  y = m[1:n] + eps         ; noisy line
  y = y|obs1[2]
  ; create graphical display and draw data points
  d = createdisplay(1,1)
  dat = x[,2]~y
  outl = obs1[1]~obs1[2]
  setmaskp(outl,1,12,15)    ; outlier is blue big star
  tdat = x[,2]~m
  setmaskl(tdat,(1:rows(tdat))', 1, 1, 1)
  ;                        ; thin blue line
  setmaskp(tdat, 0, 0, 0)  ; reduces point size to min
  ; estimation of the model using rqfit
  beta1 = lms(x,y)
  ; draw estimated regression line
  yhat = x*beta1
  hdat = x[,2]~yhat
  setmaskp(hdat, 0, 0, 0)
  setmaskl(hdat,(1:rows(hdat))', 4, 1, 3)
  ;                        ; thick red line
  show(d, 1, 1, dat[1:n], outl, tdat, hdat)
  title="LMS regression with an outlier"
  ;                        ; sets title
endp                         ; end of myquant
; load metrics library
; call estimation function with outlier #(0.9,4.5)

As a result, you should see a graph, in which observations are
denoted by black circles and an outlier (observation #(0.9,4.5))
is represented by the blue big star in the right upper corner of
the graph.
The blue line depicts the true regression line (beta = #(1,2)),
while the thick red line shows the estimated regression line.

Author: P. Cizek, 20001219
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006