Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: times
See also: genarma genarch nparmaest

Quantlet: npgarchest
Description: fits a nonparametric GARCH(1,1) process e[t+1] = s[t+1]*Z[t+1], s[t+1]^2 = g(e[t]^2,s[t]^2), where Z[t] are iid Gaussian, by inverting deconvolution kernel estimators.


Usage: npfit = npgarchest(y, {h1 {,h2 {,N {,R {,debug}}}}})
y n x 1 vector, time series.
h1 optional scalar, bandwidth for univariate density. (If h1 <= 0 or not given, it is set to standard deviation of 4/log(n))
h2 optional 2 x 1 vector, bandwidth for bivariate density. (If h2 <= 0 or not given, it is set to standard deviation of (10/log(n))|(8*n^0.2))
N optional positive scalar, number of grid points for the approximation of the nonparametric function. (Default is 50)
R optional positive scalar, number of grid points for internal approximations. (Default is 250)
debug optional scalar, should be set to 1 for plots during computation. (Default is 0.)
npfit.g N*N x 3 matrix, estimated function.
npfit.f N*N x 3 matrix, estimated function of the corresponding ARMA model.
npfit.d1 R x 2 matrix, estimated one-dimensional deconvolution density estimator of the corresponding ARMA model.
npfit.d2 N*N x 3 matrix, estimated two-dimensional combined deconvolution/regular density estimator.


Plot of the nonparametric bivariate function g.

Author: M. Mueller, 20020412
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006