Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: panel
See also: panfix panrand panhaus

Quantlet: pandyn
Description: estimates dynamic panel data models with GMM


Usage: {output, bgmm}=pandyn(z,p,IVmeth{,T})
z NT x {2+}1+k data matrix
p scalar, autoregressive order for dependent variable
IVmeth scalar, indicator for the Instruments; setting IV-meth = 0 lets the program choose the IV-method
T scalar, common time periods for balanced panel (optional)
output string, output table
bgmm (k+p) x 1 vector of coefficient estimates


z=read("dynpanel.dat")      ; read data set
{output,bgmm}=pandyn(z,1,0) ; compute first step estimator
output                      ; print output

Contents of output
[ 1,] "====================================================="
[ 2,] "GMM-Estimation of the Dynamic Fixed-Effect Model:    "
[ 3,] "y(i,t) = y(i,t-1)'gamma + x(i,t)'beta + a(i) + e(i,t)"
[ 4,] "====================================================="
[ 5,] "PARAMETERS        Estimate        SE          t-value"
[ 6,] "====================================================="
[ 7,] "beta[ 1 ]=          0.9591       0.0704        13.625"
[ 8,] "beta[ 2 ]=         -1.0949       0.0771       -14.203"
[ 9,] "Lag [ 1 ]=          0.7643       0.0490        15.609"
[10,] "====================================================="
[11,] "N*T=    375      N=   25      DF=    12              "
[12,] "R-square (differenced model):    0.5955              "
[13,] "Hansen's J-statistic (p-val):   18.4000 (0.1041)     "
[14,] "Instruments according to method: 2                   "
[15,] "====================================================="

Author: J. Breitung, 20011012 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006