Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: panel
See also: panfix panhaus pandyn

Quantlet: panhaus
Description: Hausman test for correlation between the regressors and the individual effects

Usage: output=panhaus(Z,siga,sige,m {,T} )
Z NT x (k+2) matrix, data set ordered by individuals (i), 1st column: index of individuals 2nd column: dependent variable 3rd, ..., k-th column: explanatory variables (without constant!)
siga scalar, variance estimate of individual effects
sige Definiton scalar, variance estimate of the remaining error scalar, number of explanatory variables which are correlated with the fixed effects, the remaining variables are assumed to be uncorrelated with the individual effects (= mixed specification)
m optional scalar, number of time periods for a BALANCED data set. There has to be no column for the index of individuals. (for a data set with the same T for all individuals = BALANCED PANEL)
output string with output table

z1 = z[,1:2]~log(z[,3])~z[,4]~(z[,4]^2)

Contents of output
[ 1,] "====================================================="
[ 2,] "Hausman Specification Test for the null hypothesis:  "
[ 3,] " 2 Variables x(i,t) are uncorrelated with a(i)      "
[ 4,] "====================================================="
[ 5,] "  d = beta(between)-beta(within)    SE        t-value"
[ 6,] "====================================================="
[ 7,] "  d [ 1 ] =        -0.0705       0.0402        -1.754"
[ 8,] "  d [ 2 ] =         0.0001       0.0008         0.113"
[ 9,] "====================================================="
[10,] "P-Value (RANDOM against FIXED effects):        0.0000"
[11,] "====================================================="

Author: J. Breitung, 20011012 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006